Systematic Review of Rigorous Research in Teaching Introductory Circuits

Systematic review is a meta-analytical framework for quantitatively searching, sorting, and synthesizing scholarly research on a particular field or topic. Systematic review techniques have recently gained traction in the field of engineering education. A systematic review performed over a specific area of practice — for instance, the instruction of a particular subject — can consolidate results from many studies into a synthesis of best practices. The purpose of this article is to identify best practices in introductory circuits education via systematic review of prior research. Relevant publications will be identified and appraised with a set of coding criteria generated by the researchers. The results of the review may inform educational techniques employed in post-secondary introductory circuits courses. A database of 1056 unique journal articles and conference papers was created in a preliminary keyword search of four online scholarly databases. The researchers worked with an expert librarian to formulate a set of keywords and search phrases that would fetch recent research on instructional technique in introductory circuits and electronics courses. The researchers have generated coding criteria which is being used to narrow search results to research which directly addresses the primary research questions based on the title and/or Papers are being independently evaluated by multiple researchers to determine adherence to the coding criteria. Coding criteria will be similarly applied to the full-text of the remaining publications, leaving a pool of relevant and high-quality papers. The resulting data will be synthesized to draw conclusions about best practices in introductory circuits education. The results of the systematic review will be used to inform and improve the teaching of introductory circuits at the host institution. The data is applicable to evaluation and revision of circuits curricula in general.