ABSTRAKKemampuan interpretasi grafik merupakan kemampuan yang sangat penting dan kunci utama dalam memahami materi kinematika dan materi fisika lanjutan. Namun kemampuan interpretasi grafik materi kinematika mahasiswa calon guru masih rendah. Tujuan penelitian ini menguji kemampuan membaca dan menginterpretasikan grafik kinematika calon guru dengan analisis polytomous rasch model. Instrumen terdiri dari empat soal uraian menyajikan grafik kinematika. Tes diberikan ke 20 mahasiswa calon guru, terdiri dari 14 perempuan dan 6 laki-laki. Metode yang digunakan survei deskriptif kuantitatif dengan analisis menggunakan rasch model dengan data politomi. Hasil yang diperoleh nilai reliabilitas 0,58 kategori lemah, tingkat kesukaran untuk 3 soal dalam kategori sukar dan satu soal kategori mudah, daya pembeda berkategori sangat baik untuk seluruh soal. Kemampuan membaca dan menginterpretasikan grafik kinematika secara keseluruhan cukup baik. Kesimpulannya instrumen dan analisis yang digunakan dapat menguji kemampuan menginterpretasikan grafik kinematika calon guru. Kata kunci: interpretasi; grafik, kinematika; polytomous rasch. ABSTRACTThe ability to interpret graphs is a very important ability and the main key in understanding kinematics and advanced physics materials. However, the ability to interpret graphs of prospective teachers is still low. The purpose of this study is to test the ability to read and interpret the kinematic graphs of prospective teachers using polytomous rasch model analysis. The instrument consists of four essay questions presenting a kinematic graph. The test was given to 20 prospective teachers, consisting of 14 females and 6 males. The method used is quantitative descriptive survey with analysis using the rasch model with polytomous data. The results obtained were the reliability value of 0.58 in the weak category, the level of difficulty for 3 questions in the difficult category and one question in the easy category, the distinguishing power was very good for all the questions. The overall ability to read and interpret kinematics graphs is quite good. In conclusion, the instruments and analysis used can test the ability to interpret the prospective teacher's kinematics graph. Keywords: interpretation; graph; kinematics; polytomous.