大学英语课担负着培养非英语专业学生英语综合应用能力的重任,在各大高校公共英语课时普遍被压缩,教学要求及效果却并未随之降低的情况下,转变教学思维、积极探索能最大程度调动学生主动性和培养学生自主学习能力的学习模式一直是大学英语教师及研究者面临的重要课题。而以解决实际问题为导向的项目教学法(PBL, Project-based Learning)能够帮助学生们在老师的引导下,主动学习、自主合作,以积极解决一个个项目中出现的问题,从而提高自主学习能力,主动建构自己的认知结构。本文通过基于PBL理念的自主合作学习模式的教学实践研究,探索其在大学英语课堂的运用和效果。 College English course plays a crucial role in the cultivation of non-English majors’ comprehensive English ability. Under the situation that the credit hours of College English course are generally compressed, but the requirements for students have not been reduced, College English teachers and researchers have to face the challenge to cultivate students’ initiative and autonomous learning ability. The Project-based Learning method (PBL) can help students to independently study and actively cooperate in groups under the guidance of teachers, so as to improve their autonomous learning ability and construct their own cognitive structure. This paper explores the application and effects of autonomous cooperative learning model based on PBL in College English class.