物流是企业的第三利润源,而出厂物流又是钢铁企业产品交付与成本管控的重要环节。本文以湛江钢铁出厂物流业务为背景,阐述以“出厂拉动生产”为理念的管理创新的必要性与作用,同时介绍了“出厂周计划”、“按港口集批生产”“信息系统工具创新”等主要管理创新的具体做法与成效。 Logistics is the third source of profit for enterprises. And delivery logistics is also an important link of product delivery and cost control in iron and steel enterprises. This paper takes Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. logistics as the background, expounds the necessity and function of the management innovation with the concept of “delivery logistic to drive production”. At the same time, it introduces the concrete practices and effects of the major management innovations, such as “logistics week plan”, “batch production by port”, “information system innovation”.

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