In order to be widely used by users of financial statements, information related to tax receivable accounts in LKPP must meet the Full Disclosure Principle relate to assets, liabilities and equity either through faces or Notes to Financial Statements. Complete information will prevent users from misleading and improper decision making or opinions on the financial condition and performance of the central government. This study focuses on the disclosure of information on tax accounts receivable at LKPP because the account has significant value and gets the attention of LKPP users. Through this research, the writer will assess whether the information related to tax receivables in LKPP FY 2017 to 2019 meets the Full Disclosure Principle. To fulfill the principle, LKPP must disclose 9 adequate information related to tax receivable. The results of the analysis show that the disclosure of tax receivables in LKPP FY 2017 and LKPP FY 2018 don’t fulfill all the criteria, while LKPP FY 2019 only fulfill 1 criteria. There was no significant increase in the implementation of full disclosure principle of tax receivable within 3 years.