Gene therapy and tissue engineering in repair of the musculoskeletal system

Historically, surgeons have sought and used different procedures in order to augment the repair of various skeletal tissues. Now, with the completion of the Human Genome Project, many researchers have turned to gene therapy as a means to aid various ailments. In the orthopedic field, many strides have been made toward using gene therapy and tissue engineering in a clinical setting. In this review, several studies are outlined in different areas that gene therapy has or will influence orthopedic surgery. Gene therapy and tissue engineering can aid in fracture healing and spinal fusions by inducing bone formation, ligamentous repairs by increasing the production of connective tissue fibers, intervertebral disc disease by creating potential replacements, and articular cartilage repairs by providing means to improve cartilage. As we continue to see great contributions, such as the few mentioned here, this field will continue to mature and develop.