Medication abortion represents more than 50 percent of abortions in the United States (US). Since its approval in the US in 2000, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has progressively relaxed the prescribing requirements such that currently, no office visit, in-person dispensing, or ultrasound is required. Obtaining medication for abortion online without medical supervision or evaluation is also possible. This article reviews the complications of medication abortion by examining major studies and delineates the risks specific to self-managed abortion to inform clinicians in caring for women. Summary: Medication abortion has become the most common abortion method in the United States. This document provides a detailed history of the relaxation requirements on medication abortion and reviews the major studies on medication abortion complications including a discussion of their limitations. Finally, the paper delineates the ease of access to medication abortion without a health care provider and the risks associated with self-managed abortion. This paper is intended to provide information for clinicians who likely will be encountering increasing number of patients with such complications.