The aim of this study which derives its generation data from generation Z is to analyze the effect of electronic word-of-mouth communication (e-WOM) on the conspicuous and materialist consumption. The sample of this study consists of 12th grade students, representing the generation Z, who were born in 2000 and after. Students were selected from a total of 26 high schools in four districts of Balıkesir city in Turkey; districts of Bandırma, Gönen, Erdek and Manyas. A questionnaire was applied to the participants using the convenience sampling method. A total of 1065 questionnaires were found suitable for evaluation. Collected data were analyzed through first-order confirmatory factor analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). It was concluded at the end of this study that e-WOM communication type triggered a significant and positive effect on conspicuous and materialist consumption.