A study on Clinical profile of patients with chronic Urticaria

Urticaria is commonly used to describe an eruption of wheals, as distinct from angioedema, although this does lead to confusion with classification of the physical Urticarias. The term ‘Urlicaria’ is increasingly being used to describe a disease that may present with wheals, angioedema or both. The details enquired from the patients include duration of disease, duration of individual wheals, frequency of attacks, distribution of wheals, associated systemic symptoms, provoking physical factors, food and drug intolerance, seasonal variation, associated angioedema. The frequency of attacks were classified into 3 groups-1-3episodes/week, 4-6 episodes/week and daily attacks. Out of total 60 patients, 8 patients gave history of daily attacks of which 7(87.5%) were ASST positive, and was found to be statistically significant. Increase in the frequency of attacks correlated well with the ASST positivity. Among 60 patients, 27 patients were having high Pruritus score, of which 20(74.1%) were ASST positive, which was statistically significant.