Türkiye ve Almanya'da Göç Bağlamında “Ötekileştirme”

The concept of othering includes all oppositions of "other" (ness) that are opposite to "me" and "us" with me-you, we-you, according to semiotics that gives meaning to each concept with its opposite and analyzes the relations between them. Since this is the case, we believe that the "I, We, and the Other Relation" should be examined at the beginning. The main issue of the individual or social dimension, in which the aforementioned opposition is semantically "relevant," will be highlighted under the aforementioned heading, and the distinctive qualities of the concept of othering will be embodied with some examples. One of the issues, for instance, is how the other contributes to the formation of "me" or "us." The topics to be covered include how the idea of the other develops in the context of social and individual identity, as well as the type of relationship that is created between me, you, and the other(s). The concept of the other will be specifically examined in light of the migration from Syria to Turkey and Germany, as well as the migration from Turkey to Germany in the 1960s as a labor force. The current study adopted the meta-synthesis approach, which is based on a systematic review, interpretation, and assessment of the results obtained from studies in a particular field.

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