Study of the impression techniques used for implant dentistry by different practitioners in Kashmir

Aim & Objective: A questionnaire based study on the impression techniques used for implants by practioners. Materials and Methods: Questionnaire was made & distributed to dental practitioners and students of different colleges. Around a 100 doctors were chosen by random sampling, and Questionnaire was given to those who were willing to participate. This research focuses on impression materials and the various impression techniques that can be used in implant restorations with note on recent advances in implant impressions. Results: 88.71% of the dentists feel that special components are required for an implant impression and majority believe that the level at which the impression should be taken depends on many factors. Majority believes that an FPD like impression is sufficient for cement retained FPD and also the fact that implant level impression can be taken for multiple angulated implants. Most of the dentists support the fact that multiple implants should be splinted before an impression and the most accepted material for an implant is addition silicone.