The Highlighting of a Biological Process for the Treatment of Leachate from a Public Discharge

Due to the composition and their impact on the environment, landfill leachate is a serious environmental and public health problem. Our physicochemical and microbiological study has shown that leachate is highly loaded with minerals including iron, Mg, Cd, etc.) and pathogenic microorganisms hence the need for effective and sustainable treatment. Our present study enters this preoccupation we have highlighted a biological process allowing the transformation of leachate by way of fermentation, being based on leaven having fermenting, acidifying and antimicrobial power. Microbiological analysis showed that almost all the pathogenic flora was removed showing the biological treatment efficacy. In addition, the stable product obtained after 15 days of fermentation was used as a base in a formula of a bio-fertilizer. Application trials in different crops (wheat, peas, corn, etc.) have shown satisfactory results.