Perbedaan Efektivitas Teknik Relaksasi Nafas Dalam dan Kompres Hangat Dalam Penurunan Nyeri Dysmenorhea

The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the effectiveness of breathing relaxation and warm compress techniques on the reduction of dysmenorrheal pain in Grade II and III nursing bachelor students of YPIB Health Science Institute Majalengka. This study used experimental method with non-equivalent control group approach. The subjects were Grade II and III nursing bachelor students of YPIB Health Science Institute Majalengka in April-May 2017. The number of samples was 20 respondents, divided into two treatment groups with duration 20 minutes each treatment. The sampling technique used accidental sampling. Data analysis techniques were univariate analysis with Mean test, and bivariate analysis with Mann-Whitney U test. The study results described that the group of deep breath obtained probability value ρ of 0.002 <(0.05), while the warm compress group obtained probability value ρ of 0,000 <(0.05). Bivariate analysis showed significant difference in dysmenorrheal pain intensity during breathing relaxation therapy and warm compress therapy. According to this study, female students are advised to use breathing relaxation technique and warm compress as the alternatives to the dysmenorrheal pain reduction. Keywords: dysmenorrhea, breathing relaxation therapy, warm compress.