This paper aims to analyze the reinterpret the story of Bambang Sumantri in Sujiwo Tejo’s graphic novel Serat Tripama: Gugur Cinta di Maespati. The meaning of heroism in this novel was reexamined through various doubts, unawareness, and wonder of Bambang Sumantri. The data were collected through reading, observing, and taking notes. The data were analyzed with the semiotic method. The interpretation is done by interpreting changes through looking at the relationship between the signifier and the signified within which the implicit, indirect, and uncertain meanings operate, by interpreting the meanings hiddeng behind the words, phrases, and sentences that are called connotative meanings (second layer) by semiotics. The reinterpretation on this graphic novel shows that in addition to Bambang Sumantri depicted as truly heroic, there are many other “hands” who helped him become a figure and hero. The heroism of Bambang Sumantri is not the center of this book. Instead, there are also other figures who made him a hero. Therefore, the author reinterpreted the heroism of Bambang Sumantri from different point of view.