Demembranated ciliated cell models are useful for studying mechanisms responsible for the regulation of ciliary coordination and waveform. This paper describes procedures for isolating ciliated cells from the newt, Taricha granulosa, by trypsin dissociation, their subsequent demembranation by Triton X-100, and their reactivation with MgATP to produce highly motile, coordinated, ciliated cell models. Reactivation of cell models with a high degree of mechanochemical coupling depended on avoiding mechanical damage and maintaining optimal conditions during all stages of isolation and reactivation. Highly motile models were prepared from cells incubated in trypsin, treated briefly with EDTA, separated by gentle agitation, and concentrated by centrifugation at low gravitational forces. Optimal demembranation and reactivation conditions were similar to those described previously for isolated newt lung axonemes. Under these conditions, nearly 100% of the models were reactivated when provided with MgATP and 90–95% beat with coordinated waves. The ciliary tufts beat at frequencies within the range measured in living cells and their reactivated motility was stable for at least 30 min at constant MgATP. These highly coupled models were used to show (1) that development of coordination in the ciliary tuft occurs at a higher substrate concentration range (10–25 μM) than that required to initiate motility per se (2–10 μM); (2) that outer dynein arms may not contribute to beat frequency at substrate concentrations below 35 μM; and (3) that vanadate has effects both on beat frequency and coordination of the tufts.