The visually impaired should return to society as soon as possible and reduce various negative impacts on their lives, as well as achieve independent living, employment, and other goals, the training of various skills for the visually impaired is particularly important. The main purpose of this research is to find out the key success factors in the teaching of the visually impaired, to achieve the highest goal of assisting the visually impaired in the reconstruction of their lives. The research conducted interviews with professional teachers of the visually impaired in the form of expert questionnaires, focusing on the organization’s business environment, business team philosophy and capabilities, students’ physical characteristics and learning motivation, teaching environment, and management team concepts, and internal processes. A total of 35 questions in 5 facets were discussed in-depth, and the results found 5 questions including government policy support, resource development network connection ability, student learning motivation, professional/teacher education training and motivation, and the ability to plan course activities. The items were deemed important and necessary by all experts. This shows that the current society for the teaching of the visually impaired still needs to invest more social resources. The survey questionnaire, it is found that the systematic establishment of teaching model for the reconstruction of the visually impaired requires many links to complement each other. It is not achieved overnight from the development of teachers, the psychological factors of the visually impaired, even to the learning motivation.