Projekt Lutostańskiego a bolszewickie regulacje prawne dotyczące prawa małżeńskiego okresu międzywojennego

The aim of this paper is to analyze of the project marriage law by Karol Lutostanski from 1929, which was carried out in a comparative perspective with legal solutions in force in Soviet Russia. The legitimacy of considering comparative studies justifies the reference by the conservative camp of the Second Republic of Poland to the convergence of the content and assumptions of Lutostański’s project with Bolshevik marriage legislation. Such a position was a directly reason why the draft did not become effective. The results of the study indicate that there are significant discrepancies, both in the assumption of the proposed regulation and in the edited articles which are shaping the model of marriage and family, and in consequence the state. In contrast to marriage law in Russia, the Polish project in fact aimed to protect the institution of marriage and family.