The article deals with the theoretical grounds analysis of psychological adaptation strategies of communities to conditions and consequences of war conflict which were based on the concept of social trauma by P. Shtompka were formulated: its consideration on two levels of community functioning – as a structural unit of society and as a meaningful habitat of person’s livelihood; stipulation by content of social transformation; understanding it as a choice of alternative strategies of behavior. The community adaptation to the conditions and consequences of military conflictt is described as а complex multidimensional process of interaction between the subject of adaptation and the environment which changes under the influence of military conflict that allows for the transformation of the system properties of community, active development of new social conditions, acquisition of means for making productive system of interaction, development and application of the adaptation’s psychological strategies. The objective and subjective criteria of community adaptation were separated. The importance of subjective criteria was shown: satisfaction of the various components of life, feeling social support, feeling social integration, subjective well-being, self-esteem of health and adaptability. The strategies of psychological adaptation were proposed to consider on basis of the models: strengthening community health, understanding on values, solving the problems of internal migration, processing the traumatic experience, application of mediapractices, family interaction, transformation of social capital. According these models the indicators of the research were defined.