The paper features apostasy as a cultural-historical, ecclesiastic law, eschatological, spiritual, and moral phenomenon. The author focuses on the eschatological, spiritual, and moral aspects of the issue in the context of religious and philosophical discourse to perform a comparative and typological analysis of the causes of social conflicts and violence. The article introduces a typology of apostasy in the early Christian cultural and historical context based on the concept of Christian anthropology. The research also revealed a number of reasons behind the phenomenon of apostasy as a classification of its forms and directions. The author made an attempt to find a basis for apostasy classification, its essential directions, and reference types, as well as to identify the main criteria for the present study and its ontological premises. The author believes that the phenomenon of apostasy should be studied in the cultural and historical context. The research objective was to show the relevance of spiritual and moral issues in the modern philosophical discourse, thus preventing interreligious and social conflicts, violence, extremism, and terrorism.