Diskursus Demokrasi Pancasila dalam Lintas Perspektif Etnisitas

Discourses on democracy are always rolling in various trajectories and time battles. Democracy is not final, but will always seek form in every social and cultural context of Indonesian society. Pancasila democracy which is often regarded as a finished item encounters various challenges and even resistance from various groups. This cannot be separated from the variety and heterogeneity of Indonesian society, ethnicity, political, and cultural contestation that will always adorn the trajectory of Pancasila democracy. Many multiethnic countries have been decimated and dispersed because of the ideological differences of each group, the empirical facts in the midst of the multi-ethnic state collapse in the post-Second World War still stand firm with all its turmoil. It is interesting to see again the construction and deconstruction that shape democracy in Indonesia in cross-history and perspective. Keyword: Democration, Pancasila, ethinicity