Macroscopic Fungi Exploration in Batang Gadis National Park Resort 7 Mandailing Natal District, North Sumatra

Introduction: Macroscopic fungi are simple plants that are often found growing wild in the wild. This study aims to determine the types of macroscopic fungi, to recognize the beneficial and harmful macroscopic fungi in Batang Gadis National Park Resort Area 7. Materials and Methods: A descriptive survey method with deliberate sampling using line transects, namely using a plot with a size of 20 m x 20 m as many as 36 plots and the distance of each plot is 10 m. Results: Found in 32 types of macroscopic fungi were obtained which belong to 11 families, such as: Polyporaceae, Ganodermatacea, Marasmiaceae, Stereaceae, Hygrophoraceae, Amanitaceae, Tricholomataceae, Russulaceae, Auriculariaceae, Sparassidaceae, and Psathyellaceae. The diversity index (H') of macroscopic fungi was 2.92 (medium). There are three types of macroscopic fungi that are consumed by the human in Sopotinjak Village as food and traditional medicine, and seven types that are not consumed because they contain toxins. There are 22 other species, namely Trametes cimulata, Lentinus tigrinus (Bull) Fr, Polyporus sp., Hygrophorus psittacinus, Trymyces sp., Hygrophorus aurantica (Wulfen), Polyporus sp.2, Collybia sp., Russula sp., Trametes sp.1, Ganoderma sp, Trametes sp.2, Stereum sp., Lignosus rhinocerus, Trametes versicolor (L), Trametes sp.3, Sparasis crispa (Wulfen), Hygrocybe conica (Schaeff), Polyporus sp.3, Trametes sp.4, Stereum hirsutum (Willd) Gray, Microporus xanthopus (Fr) Kuntze, and Tametes sp.5.