Involuntary Resettlement: From a Landslide-Affected Slum to a New Neighbourhood. Case Study of Mina Resettlement Project, Ahvaz, Iran

Involuntary resettlement approach to take care of slums settlement is rarely carried out in Iran. One of these rare experiences is Mina Resettlement Project in Ahvaz city which was implemented from 2005 to 2009. This article evaluated the goals of Mina Resettlement Project. Extensive interviews with Mina Resettlement Project authorities were conducted. Also, 35 questionnaires from displaced households were used for data collection. Criteria including environmental, physical, social, economic, infrastructures, and public services were used to evaluate the impact of the Mina Resettlement Project on the local community. To analyze this data, Goals-Achievement Matrix and "Criteria, Options, Weight, Score" techniques were employed. Mapping and cartographic materials were produced by using ArcGIS software. Findings indicate the different impacts of the project on the quality of life of the relocated households. The environmental and physical goals were successfully achieved, but the socioeconomic goals were not realized. Therefore, Mina Resettlement Project proves to be not quite a successful experience and ought not to be replicated without associating socioeconomic project for the community resettled.