Due to the enormous usage of the Internet, users share resources and exchange voluminous amounts of data. This increases the high risk of data theft and other types of attacks. Network security plays a vital role in protecting the electronic exchange of data and attempts to avoid disruption concerning finances or disrupted services due to the unknown proliferations in the network. Many Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are commonly used to detect such unknown attacks and unauthorized access in a network. Many approaches have been put forward by the researchers which showed satisfactory results in intrusion detection systems significantly which ranged from various traditional approaches to Artificial Intelligence (AI) based approaches.AI based techniques have gained an edge over other statistical techniques in the research community due to its enormous benefits. Procedures can be designed to display behavior learned from previous experiences. Machine learning algorithms are used to analyze the abnormal instances in a particular network. Supervised learning is essential in terms of training and analyzing the abnormal behavior in a network. In this paper, we propose a model of Naïve Bayes and SVM (Support Vector Machine) to detect anomalies and an ensemble approach to solve the weaknesses and to remove the poor detection results