Perencanaan Areal Pariwisata Berdasarkan Isu dan Potensi Lokal di Desa Tanah Lemo, Kecamatan Bontobahari, Kabupaten Bulukumba, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

The tourism sector is one of the main sectors in Bulukumba Regency. Based on the Spatial Planning (RTRW) of Bulukumba Regency in 2018-2038, Tanah Lemo Village is one of the areas planned for the development of tourism destinations. One of the undeveloped tourism potentials in Tanah Lemo Village is Lemo-Lemo Beach. This study aims to identify land use in 2019, analyze landrent per land use, determine land priorities for tourism development, and identify strategies for developing Lemo-Lemo Beach Tourism. The data used are google earth imagery, spatial pattern maps, parcel maps, parcels of land, degraded land, agricultural direction, slope and so forth, as well as the results of interview respondents. The methods used in this study are visual interpretation and classification of land cover (GIS), landrent analysis, determination of the priority level of land for tourism development, and SWOT analysis. The results showed that there were 11 types of land use in the study location were water bodies, ponds, emplacement, high density forests, low density forests, mixed gardens, open land, high density settlements, medium density settlements, shrubs and fields. The largest land use is moor. The largest landrent value is high density settlements of Rp. 150,458 / m2 / year. Based on the priority level of land for the development of tourist areas, priority I is 49 ha (1.7%), while the most extensive is priority III (54%). The strategy of developing Lemo-Lemo Beach tourism is by promoting tourism promotion, including by hosting local or national tourism festival activities, developing spring tourism, community forest parks, cultural sites and developing alternative tourism options, for example playgrounds / outbound and others so. Tanah Lemo Village has the potential for the development of tourism in the future.