Pemanfaatan boundary value analysis dan equivalence partitioning pada automated testing aplikasi berbasis website

Software testing in the field of software engineering is a life cycle process within a software project that verifies that the product or service meets quality expectations and validates that the software meets specifications and requirements. Software testing is intended to find defects in a program The growing complexity of today's software systems results in an increased need for sophisticated testing techniques. Performing software testing activities manually appears to be ineffective in terms of labor consumption, which demands a low speed of execution. and inadequate test coverage. In order to overcome this problem, an automated testing approach is needed with one of the methods that can be used, namely boundary value analysis combined with equivalence partitions, so that it can help the process of making test case scenarios. The input is invalid, so the application that is made still needs improvement. Keywords Software testing;Automated Testing;boundary value analysis;equivalence partitions;Test Case Scenario Full Text: PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) References E. Sianturi, "Boundary Value Analysis and Decision Table Testing Methods in Software Testing Enjelina Sianturi," Int. J. Inf. Technol. Educ., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 2809-8463, 2022. A. Firmansyah, M. A. Arief, M. Daffa, F. Falah, O. D. Dharmawan, and J. Riyanto, "Pengujian Aplikasi Sistem Penilaian Mahasiswa Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Boundary Value Analysis," 2022. A. Rifqi, Y. Arfani, P. Kasih, and D. P. Pamungkas, "Pengujian Aplikasi Presensi dengan Black box Testing dengan Metode Equivalence Partitioning dan Boundary Value Analysis." C. Aditama and A. Priadana, "IMPLEMENTATION AND PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF PRIVATE CLOUD USING OPENSTACK SWIFT DAN RCLONE," vol. III, no. Ix, pp. 317-322, 2018, doi: 10.28989/compiler.v8i1.428 I. D. M. Widia, S. Rosalin, S. R. Asriningtias, and E. Sonalita, "BlackBox Testing Menggunakan Boundary Value Analysisdan Equivalence Partitioning pada Aplikasi Pengadaan Bahan Baku Batik dengan Pendekatan Use Case," JIMP J. Inform. Merdeka Pasuruan, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 15-21, 2022. Y. Ike Melani, "Black Box Testing Using Equivalence Partition Method in Sintana Application," 2021, doi : 10.2991/ahe.k.210205.089 I. Zarembo, "Analysis of artificial intelligence applications for automated testing of video games," Vide. Tehnol. Resur. - Environ. Technol. Resour., vol. 2, pp. 170-174, 2019, doi: 10.17770/etr2019vol2.4158 P. Jung, S. Kang, and J. Lee, "Automated code-based test selection for software product line regression testing," J. Syst. Softw., vol. 158, 2019, doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2019.110419 F. D. Hartono and Y. Sugiarti, "PERBANDINGAN METODE EQUIVALENCE PARTITIONS DAN BOUNDARY VALUE ANALYSIS PADA PENGUJIAN BLACK BOX Literatur Review," Maj. Ilm. METHODA, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 153-159, Aug. 2022, doi: methoda.Vol12No2.pp153-159 Y. Cahyaningrum and I. R. Widiasari, "Analisis Performa Container Berplatform Docker atas SeranganMalicious Software (Malware)," J. Buana Inform., vol. 11, no. 1, p. 47, 2020, doi: 10.24002/jbi.v11i1.3279 M. Sholeh, I. Gisfas, Cahiman, and M. A. Fauzi, "Black Box Testing on Page with Boundary Value Analysis and Equivalence Partitioning Methods," in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Mar. 2021, vol. 1823, no. 1, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1823/1/012029 Refbacks There are currently no refbacks.