Diseño urbano: perspectivas desde el ciclismo para el devenir de la ciudad de Guayaquil.

Context: Based on a review of references and experiences at the national and international level, this article compares the particularities of cyclists with those of pedestrians and drivers in general in the city of Guayaquil. Method: It shows that cyclists have a substantial number of characteristics. privileged that justify further exploration in terms of an adequate urban project response. Results: Focusing on four ideas: community organization, strategic bike assemblies, design processes and structured projects; the document offers a framework and essential considerations for cycling-oriented urban design in the city of Guayaquil. Conclusions: It concludes with a call to seriously consider the cycling experience in future sustainable urban projects. This means moving beyond the concern for safe facilities, as well as complete networks, to a more substantial interest in the experience of the environment from the perspective of a cyclist.