骨质疏松的主要特点是骨皮质变薄,骨组织量在单位体积内变少,骨质疏松症尤其好发于老年人和绝经后女性。随着我国人口逐渐步入老龄化阶段,骨质疏松渐渐成为威胁老年人生命健康不可忽视的疾病。由骨质疏松引起的骨折发生率也越来越高,骨折引起的相关并发症及由此引起的活动受限,都会产生严重后果,给患者生活质量及家庭经济带来沉重的负担,也给国家财政及医疗资源带来巨大的压力,因此了解骨质疏松的相关危险因素,包括个人因素、营养因素、不良的生活方式、药物及有关疾病的影响等,提高患者的认知水平并对此及时采取相关预防措施就显得尤为重要。 Osteoporosis is characterized by thinning of bone cortex and less bone tissue per unit volume. Osteoporosis is especially good in the elderly and postmenopausal women. With the aging of China’s population, osteoporosis has gradually become a serious threat to the health of the elderly. Incidence of fracture caused by osteoporosis is becoming more and higher. Complications associated with fractures and the resulting limitation of movement can have serious consequences. It brings a heavy burden on the quality of life of patients and the family economy, and also puts a huge pressure on the national financial and medical resources. Therefore, it is particularly important to understand the risk factors related to osteoporosis, including personal factors, nutritional factors, poor lifestyle, drugs and the influence of related diseases, and it is also vital to improve the patient's cognition level and take timely preventive measures.