目的:评价补肾调轴方改善IVF-ET反复种植失败者子宫免疫微环境的临床疗效。方法:将47例反复种植失败的患者作为研究对象,予补肾调轴方颗粒进行治疗,检测子宫内膜IDO的表达。结果:治疗后IDO的表达较治疗前提高,差异有统计学意义。结论:中药补肾调轴方能上调子宫内膜IDO的表达,促进胚胎免疫耐受,有助于胚胎的着床成功。 Objective: To evaluate the clinical efficacy of uterine immune microenvironment of Bushen Tiaozhou Recipe in IVF-ET repeated implant. Methods: 47 cases which failed implanting repeatedly were as the research objectives, and given Bushen Tiaozhou treatment; the expression of IDO was then tested. Results: The expression of IDO was higher after treatment. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: The traditional Chinese medicine recipe Bushen Tiaozhou can increase the expression of IDO. Besides, it can promote the embryo immune tolerance and help the embryo implantation success.