Preventive scope of Nishamalaki Churna (combination of turmeric and Indian gooseberry powder) in type 2 DM: Review

Diabetes mellitus is a fastest growing serious global health problem. In 2000, India with 31.7 million diabetic population topped the world followed by China (20.8 million) respectively. Poor glycaemic control has been observed in the Indian diabetic population which in long term lead to various micro and macro vascular complications. Diabetes is one of four priority non-communicable diseases (NCDs) targeted by all health agencies for the Prevention and Control of NCDs. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) powder in combination called as Nisha Amalaki Churna showed significant hypoglycemic, antioxidant and hyperlipidemia effect in many experimental and human research. Ayurveda strongly recommended its significant effect in the management of diabetes (Prameha). The present write up is an effort to discuss the opportunities of an effective herbal combination Nishamalaki Churna as preventive and health promotive dimensions in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.