The globalization current is very influential towards the formation of one's character whether to be character or to be a character tuna. The issue is how to make someone character and avoid the character's tuna. For that, then what will be answered in this study is how the strategy of the character formation of religious spirituality and love of Homeland? What are the values that need to be attributed? The scientific approach used was the philosophy of Islamic education with an eclectic incorporative. The study is entirely a kind of qualitative research-a library with a variety of litertur related to the character. Data collection with documentation. Its analytical techniques (1) Content analysis, (2) Miles and Huberman (data collection, data reduction, data desplay, and data verification), and (3) data triangulation. Research results; First, the strategy of establishing religious spirituality characters and the love of Homeland is habituation, moral knowing, moral feeling, immorality, and repentance with the throne, Takhalli, Tahalli, and Tajalli. Secondly, the primary value implanted is religious spiritual. From this core value will give birth to the value of love of homeland, integrity (honesty-trust), responsibility, respect, humility, tolerance, social care, love of science, hard work, patience, self-reliant, and silaturrahim.