Ethics is a one of science discipline has never been barren for discussion. In addition to theoretic culture that is rich in value, Ethics also represents an applied attitude that is in direct contact with the social behavior of the community. Urgency Ethics is also felt to be very sensitive because it connotes directly with good, bad, right, or wrong values. Very interesting if interesting scientific sources Ethics in the century BC (BC) because historically, the century BC (BC) is known as the Scientific term which means humans are far from modern scientific traditions, however, Ethics both theoretically and practically can develop a measure of the value of people's lives at that time in a different format. This research will discuss the People of the Pre-Christian Age, Aristotle. In addition to Western Philosophers, Aristotle was also a very important figure in the Islamic world, notably Paripatetik's Islamic leaders such as Al Kindi, Al Farabi, and Ibn Sina. This research is a research library. Researchers try to dissect the construction and paradigm of ethical values ​​built by Aristotle in his work entitled Nichomachean Ethics and then reflect the concept with the concept of Ethics narrated and developed in Islam which is sourced from the Qur'an. In this research, the writer found Aristotle's ethical formulation which acted realistically. For Aristotle, The Good, Virtue, and Happiness are not abstract values, but they all provide real and empirical conditions. Its existence can be created and can be felt by the human senses.