Одеський православний рух vs «більшовицька пропаганда дією» (початок 1920-х років)

A descriptive reconstruction of Orthodox life in Odesa in the early 1920s is presented against the background of the communist offensive in the form of ‘Bilshovyk propaganda by action’, which was realized in treacherous methods of anti-religious, atheistic propaganda, initiating a schism in the city Orthodox community, and provoking local religious opposition and institutional self-destruction in the local religious society to please atheistic manipulators of church life. The analyzed archeographic basis of the research and professional publications of recent years have allowed the authors to reconstruct the main vector components of the communist government’s policy aimed at limiting social and religious opportunities under the communist government’s ideological pressure and treacherous practices. Different notions are united in the paper, historical as well as social (mental, religious, moral, immoral, etc.), based on certain legislative acts, unknown documentary sources confirming the offensive actions of communist atheists just on the example of Odesa, where the ROC was prevalent in comparison with other church formations as it remains to this day.