The study systematizes mutual influences and connections of the economic safety of bank sector functioning as a whole, bank activity (state and commercial) at the fund market and financial support of sustainable nature management, taking into account bank strategies “threading” by Sustainable development aims of UNO till 2030 of both own activity (concrete examples are given) and one of market agents of the nature-resource sector of the national economy, for which a financial-credit institution acts as a specific financial provider in the world of sustainable nature management and comprehensive development, taking into account the global ecologic initiative. There are given parallels in aim setting of supranational and national regulators in two opposite and at the same time complementary conceptions: “green economy” and “financial globalism”, expecting dynamism of unpredictability and inertia of global financial stability absence on the ecologically influenced stability of the economic dynamics. There are constructed correspondent econometric dependence models of a triad “financial safety of the bank sector – financial support stability – nature management sustainability” on variables – corporative equity and bond issue, using special methods and program environment Eviews and Statistica. It has been revealed, that the market of bonds and the one of equities differently react on changes of the economic dynamics – the equity issue volume, as opposite to corporative bond issue, doesn’t depend on nature management sustainability indices, and its financial support stability is not in the sphere of financial-economic parametrization, but in the political conjuncture, socio-psychological and mental transformation in the direction of economic subjects’ readiness to conducting ecologically and at the same time socially responsible business that needs modernization of the purpose orientation of safe bank strategies, taking correspondent anti-crisis arrangements by them for providing safety of their activity at the fund market under conditions of intensification of the COVID-19 pandemic influence. Obtained modeling results may be used by the National bank of Ukraine for actualizing the macroprudential policy, directed on elimination of system risks for preventing crises or diminution of losses from them by the system of financial stimulation of rational nature management.