Viruses as we all know are the connecting link of living & non-living & also there mutation rate is very high and the specific treaterments are very rare and one such newly discover virus is COVID-19 by which we all are fighting. It was first recognized by WHO on 4th January 2020 in Wuhan, Hubei province and on 5 January 2020, WHO published our first Disease Outbreak News on the new virus. In INDIA COVID-19 was first reported on 30th January 2020. This covid-19 spreads via air or fomite borne. To be safe and avoid spreading of infection government took the step of lockdown and request country to cooperate by wearing masks and qurantime themselves for their safety. Covid-19 where took education on online platform on the other hand it come up with the real heroes of the nation. Keywords: Novel Corona Virus 2019, Spread, Pandemic, Lockdown, Education industry, Real heroes, Cloud computing, Online grocery, Video conferencing