This study aimed to find out the degree of practicing career roles among faculty members at Palestine Technical University - Khudouri and Al-Huson University College from their point of view, and knowing the effect of study variables (university, college, years of experience, academic rank) on the degree of practicing career roles. The study was conducted in the first semester of the academic year (2021/2020), when a stratified random sample was chosen from (149) faculty members, i.e., 30% of the study population, which is teaching staff at Palestine Technical University and Al-Huson University College who numbered (497) individuals, and to achieve this goal, a descriptive approach appropriate to the nature of this study was used. A questionnaire consisting of (30) items was designed and distributed in three areas: teaching, scientific research, and community service. The validity and reliability of the study tool were verified. The stability factor was (0.91). The study reached the following results: The field of teaching got the first place in practice, then the field of scientific research, and finally the field of community service, as the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the sample members' estimates attributable to the variables (university, college, years of experience, and rank The academy, and the study recommended the necessity of holding training workshops, and meetings for faculty members at Palestine Technical University and Al-Huson University College, to transfer skills, exchange experiences and knowledge, in addition to developing creativity and solving problems in order to serve the local community, in addition to strengthening the relationship between the university and the local community. By providing the necessary scientific research and educational and cultural activities that help in developing the local community.