Indonesian is a diverse country with a variety of ethnic, class and religion. The potential for conflict over differences, can lead to disintegration of the nation. Reality is happening in the community, just a lot of conflict fueled by religion. Exclusive attitude of each religion, appears due to improper understanding of the substance of religion. For that we need a new understanding about the attitudes that must be done by humans to the existing plurality. Al-Qur’an as a guide to life, must be understood and interpreted by promoting the moral message of the Koran. This paper seeks to provide a view of the new paradigm of Islamic ethics to other communities (the others) in the context of social life. It aims to establish Islamic worldview (Weltanschauung) is based on the principle of rahmatan lil alamin. By optimizing the formulation methodology contextualist interpretation (contextualist interpretation) that the interpretation of the Koran is not just taking care of the language of the Koran, but also the critical aspects of socio-hostorical period of revelation. In this case means trying to revive the prophetic spirit (Prophethood), or with other languages, what would the Prophet will do and provide solutions, if he lived in the days of the moment. So it was concluded that the ethics of Muslims against the others is the attitude cooperatif in advancing human civilization.