The cross-sectional research study was conducted from November 2015 up to April 2016 in order to assess the prevalence of Brucella infection in shoats in two woredas in the Arsi zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia. The study was conducted in six Peasant Associations (3 PAs from each district). A total of 397 sheep and goats were sampled to be studied. Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT) was used as a Screening test for Brucella agglutinins, while Complement Fixation Test (CFT) was used to confirm the reactors by Rose Bengal Plate Test. The statistical analysis of the data was run by Fisher’s exact test and the comparison of proportion was carried out too. Out of the 397 sera samples, 1.51% (n = 6) were seropositive for Brucella infection by RBPT; however, the CFT test indicated that only 0.5% (n = 2) sera were positive. Overall point estimation of 0.2% ovine and caprine Brucella infection was observed. High prevalence has been observed in aborted, parity one (1-5 kidding or lamping), female and in goats than non-aborted, parity two (> 6 lambing or kidding), male and sheep respectively. Especially high Seroprevalence in aborted goats indicates the presence of the illness in the two woredas’. The brucellosis presence in goats and sheep is significant as the infected animals can act as reservoirs of infection and may transmit the infection to human beings by several routes. So, Control measures should be designed and implemented by focusing on the prevention of further illness expansion in the study area by using an appropriate control practices approach.