固定污染源排污许可制度已实施近30多年,已形成了丰富的管理经验,同时随着生态环境治理体系现代化建设要求,固定源排污许可已成为固定源核心管理制度,已成为与环评、监测、总量等制度有机衔接的载体。在完成全覆盖基础上,仍需做好其顶层设计的制定和证后规范化管理的监管。 The fixed source pollutant discharge permit system has been implemented for nearly 30 years, and rich management experience has been formed. At the same time, with the requirements of the modernization of the ecological environment governance system, the fixed source pollutant dis-charge permit has become the core management system of fixed sources, and has become a Carriers for organic linkage of systems such as, total volume, etc. On the basis of completing full coverage, it is still necessary to formulate its top-level design and supervise the standardized management after certification.