It is risen an agenda of ecological risk’s constructing as a social problem. It is highlighted the concept of risk as a phenomenon with an essential component of the future, a state of premonition, awareness of a catastrophe. It is revealed a problem of changing human’s attitude in technogenic civilization epoch to the natural environment as a “resource base”. This theme is the subject of many socio-economic, political and economic, philosophical, environmental and biological studies nowadays. It is made an attempt to consider this problem from the socio-psychological point of view. There are considered the aspects of awareness and perception of a person outside professional politico-economic discourse. This discussion on global level is currently focused on threats of climate change and on impact on countries’ existence and development, on lives of their population. There are revealed the peculiarities of individual and social/global levels of awareness of environmental risks, the corresponding strategies to work with them: as the work with “symptoms”, consequences, or as the work with global and complex reasons which require a strategy of preventive systematic steps. While considering the social level it is emphasized that there is the lack of systematic awareness of environmental risks in most of people, what means the absence of a holistic image with the interconnected and mutually interacting links in it, the discreteness of behavioral reactions / actions to overcome the certain consequences. It is highlighted an issue of local and global nature of environmental risks. Also it is marked an importance of considering a problem of forming a holistic image at the global level, which shows how an environmental system work in general. This system doesn’t select any human “accusers” – everybody feels an influence of ecological risks. A practice of overcoming local problems is shown as not helpful to ensure the climate justice, to avoid the social restructuring and increasing of social inequity, to create a base to sustainable development and clean environment.