The Quality and Proportion of Spermatozoa X and Y in Sexed Frozen Semen Separated with Percoll Density Gradient Centrifugation Method on Friesian Holstein Bull

| This study aimed to evaluate the semen quality and the proportion of spermatozoa X and Y from sexed semen using the Percoll Density Gradient Centrifugation method. The quality observed included individual motility, viability, abnormalities, concentration, total motile spermatozoa, chromatin damage, intact acrosome hood of spermatozoa, and sperm capacitation. The treatments consisted of T1 = unsexed semen, T2 = sexed semen X-bearing sperm, and T3 = sexed semen Y-bearing sperm. A general linear model with three treatments and ten replications was performed in this research. The data were analyzed using a general linear model using SAS Demand on Academics, and the least significant differences were applied if there is significance. The result showed that semen quality, including individual motility, viability, abnormality, concentration, and total motile spermatozoa in sexed semen, is lower than in unsexed semen. In addition, the sexed semen had a lower percentage of intact acrosome hood and higher chromatin damage, acrosome reactions, and sperm capacitation than unsexed semen. In conclusion, the quality of unsexed frozen semen was higher than sexed frozen semen both in sexed X sperm and sexed Y sperm. While the proportion of sperm in sexed X sperm had a proportion of sperm X higher than sperm Y, indicating that Percoll Density Gradient Centrifugation can separate with an accuracy of more than 80% based on the head measurement.