Bibliometric Analysis of “Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics” on 1985-2021 Period

This study is a quantitative research using bibliometric analysis. This study aimed to find out more detail about the “Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics” or SJTAS which was published during 1985-2021. This was seen from the topic of study, country productivity, author contributions, and analysis of their citation. The data in this study were taken from the Scopus database using keywords: (ISSN(0233-1888) OR ISSN(1029-4910)). The results obtained from the Scopus database are 1.798 documents. The average article citation fluctuates annually and the highest article citation is in 2018. Keywords from articles published in the SJTAS are dominated by topics: order statistics (55 articles), asymptotic normality (43 articles), bootstrap (33 articles), exponential distribution (32 articles), and consistency (31 articles).