物联网与医疗的结合不仅在功能上实现创新,很好的提升了经济效益,在医疗资源配置上也进行合理优化,达到最大限度的使用。本文阐述了物联网在医疗领域中的发展优势和存在的问题,重点分析了医疗物联网在物流运输系统、远程医疗、耗材管理模式中的应用情况,以推动医疗公共卫生行业的持续性发展。 The combination of the Internet of Things and medical care not only realizes innovation in function, improves economic benefits, but also optimizes the allocation of medical resources to maximize the use. This paper expounds the development advantages and existing problems of the Internet of Things in the medical field, and focuses on the analysis of the application of the Internet of Things in the logistics and transportation system, telemedicine, and consumables management mode, so as to promote the sustainable development of the medical and public health industry.