The Impact of Effective Microorganisms on Flesh Color and Chemical Composition of Raw Potato Tubers

The objective of this study was to develop an innovative method of potato cultivation, with limited use of chemicals, for use in food processing. The results of the research are based on field experiments carried out between 2015 and 2017 at the Experimental Station in Parczew, Poland. The first-order factors were cultivation practices: A—standard cultivation practices with fungicides to control potato blight; and cultivation practices B, C, and D using the application of effective microorganisms (EM). The potato varieties were the second-order factor. The scope of the research included assessing the flesh color of the raw tubers and the content of dry mass, sugars and vitamin C. The color measurement of raw tubers was carried out using the CIEL *a *b* system. Cultivation methods using applications of effective microorganisms contributed significantly to the change in color brightness of the raw tuber flesh compared to the standard methods. The flesh color of the research potato cultivar tubers, their trichromatic coordinates and the reactions of potato varieties were determined according to the cultivation practices used. It was found that the brightness of the color of raw tuber flesh depends on the content of dry matter and the content of reducing sugars in the tubers.