目的:分析我国难治性癫痫高被引文献的剂量特征。方法:检索中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI) 2010~2020年的难治性癫痫文献,参照普赖斯定律确定高被引文献,用Excel 2007统计分析被引、年份、期刊、作者、单位、关键词、基金。结果:检出高被引文献321篇,纳入统计200篇,累计被引2318次,篇均被引11.59次;文献数自2010年开始上升,至峰值29篇后又迅速下降为2018年的3篇;文献来自129种期刊,其中《中国实用儿科杂志》、《中国临床神经外科杂志》、《实用医学杂志》稳居文献数、总被引频次、篇均被引频次第一名,文献涉及作者362人、署名404次。累计合作164篇,总合作率82%,作者黄小波、陈文强、李玲的署名数依次居前3名;作者机构涉及179个,其中医院108个(54%)、院校49个(24.5%),最高产发文机构为首都医科大学,涉及文献13篇。署有首都医科大学、南方医科大学、北京大学、郑州大学文献数居前4位。共涉及关键词330个,787次,篇均关键词3.94个。200篇文献获基金支持的文献共66篇,占33%,累计86项次,篇均1.30项次。结论:CNKI数据库难治性癫痫高被引文献展现出以《中华眼科杂志》、《中国实用儿科杂志》、《中国临床神经外科杂志》、《实用医学杂志》为权威期刊、以医院为核心发文机构、以难治性癫痫主要研究对象、以省部级以上项目为主要资助基金的特征,形成了黄小波、陈文强、李玲等为代表的核心团队,但关键词使用不够规范,资助资金偏少。 Objective: To analyze the dose characteristics of the highly cited literature on refractory epilepsy in my country. Methods: Search the Chinese Academic Journal Full-text Database (CNKI) 2010~2020 of refractory epilepsy literature, refer to Price’s law to determine the highly cited literature, use Excel 2007 to statistically analyze the cited, year, journal, author, unit, keywords, funds. Results: 321 highly cited documents were detected and 200 were included in the statistics. The total number of citations was 2318, with an average of 11.59 citations; the number of documents began to rise in 2010, and after reaching a peak of 29, it quickly dropped to 3 in 2018. Articles came from 129 journals, among which “Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics”, “Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery”, “Journal of Practical Medicine” ranked first in the number of documents, the total frequency of citations, and the number of articles cited. The literature involved 362 authors and 404 signatures. A total of 164 articles have been cooperated, with a total cooperation rate of 82%. The authors Huang Xiaobo, Chen Wenqiang, and Li Ling ranked the top 3 in the number of signatures; the authors involved 179 institutions, including 108 hospitals (54%) and 49 colleges (24.5%). The most productive publishing institution is Capital Medical University, involving 13 documents. It has the Capital Medical University, Southern Medical University, Peking University, and Zhengzhou University in the top 4 in terms of literature. A total of 330 keywords were involved, 787 times, with an average of 3.94 keywords. A total of 66 articles of 200 articles were supported by the fund, accounting for 33%, with 86 articles in total, with an average of 1.30 articles. Conclusion: The highly cited literature on refractory epilepsy in the CNKI database showed that “Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology”, “Chinese Journal of Practical Pediatrics”, “Chinese Journal of Clinical Neurosurgery”, “Journal of Practical Medicine” were authoritative journals, and hospitals were the core. The organization, the main research object of refractory epilepsy, and the characteristics of the main funding fund for projects above the provincial and ministerial level, have formed a core team represented by Huang Xiaobo, Chen Wenqiang, and Li Ling, but the use of keywords is not standardized enough, and the funding is relatively less.

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