The aim of the article is to determine the specifics of constructing social support in the system of interpersonal communication in a coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The method of modeling communicative worlds (MMCS) proposed by V. Kabrin was used to solve research problems. Based on it, empirical indicators of sanogenic communicative space construction of personality in a pandemic were developed and a questionnaire was created to determine the dynamic and psychosemantic characteristics of the communicative-mental world of a person in a pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19. The algorithm for processing the results of the study was to identify the leading trends in the vector of respondents’ experiences (non-verbal indicators of communicative stress) and further content analysis of verbal indicators of communicative space. The results of the study showed that the positive and negative experiences of respondents during quarantine are quite balanced. This may indicate a generally satisfactory resistance to communicative stress and manageable communication risks. Resistance to communicative stress may be due to the need to master new forms of work, study, leisure, and self-development. Immersion in self-development and mastering distance forms of work and learning can also give an individual the time to reflect and develop a critical attitude to risky topics such as loss of health, fears of a pandemic, quarantine restrictions, and financial problems. It is determined the network of social support, the closest circle of support of the respondents: children, partners and spouses, friends, and acquaintances. It is believed that friends and acquaintances play a unifying role, combining micro- and macrostructures of interpersonal relationships in difficult life situations. It is established that the online space is perceived by respondents as a certain "real location" for the organization of interpersonal communication. Limitations of the study include the fact that the majority of the sample consisted of educators (29.8%) and psychologists (28%), who are representatives of helping professions. As a direction of further research, it is outlined the study on the significance of the influence of professional activity on features of construction of communicative space in the conditions of coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.