Application of Life Cycle Assessment to Determine Hotspots for Environmental Impacts of The Rayon Production Process: Indonesia Case

In accordance with SDG targets No. 7, 9, and 12 for efficient use of resources and adopting clean and environmentally friendly technology and efficiency in energy use in industrial processes. It is necessary to determine the environmental impact, especially in the Indonesian rayon industry quantitatively using a life cycle assessment (LCA). In Indonesia, according to the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 21 of 2021, LCA calculations need to be carried out to obtain a Green and Gold PROPER performance rating. The purpose of this research is to determine environmental improvement hotspots resulting from LCA calculations using SimaPro software. The most significant contribution (hotspots) from rayon production is the use of bituminous coal at the mine or 1E+09 MJ of coal is used in the coal combustion process in the boiler which is used as electrical energy and steam. Determination of alternative hotspots for improvement from the results of the following environmental impacts to create new renewable energy (NRE) or co-firing in the combustion process in the boiler, there are several alternatives such as biomass or the manufacture of solar panels for alternative energy used in the production process.