维新变法之后,近代中国掀起了“第一次办报高潮”。梁启超作为维新变法的主干力量,对于新闻舆论工作有着全面、科学、创新的认识,他的新闻舆论思想对我们现今的新闻工作有着重要的指导意义。本文从历史角度出发,以梁启超《论报馆有益于国事》《舆论之仆与舆论之母》两篇著名的议论文章为主要文本材料,考察梁启超的新闻舆论思想,同时阐述当代中国新闻舆论观对梁启超新闻思想的继承。 After the Hundred Days’ Reform, China set off the first upsurge of running newspapers. As one of the main leaders of the reform, Liang Qichao has a comprehensive, scientific and innovative understanding of journalism and public opinion, and his thought of journalism and public opinion has an important guiding significance for our present journalism work. Based on Liang’s two famous articles “Benefit of the Press to the State” and “The Servant and the Mother of Public Opinion”, this paper investigates Liang’s thoughts of journalism and public opinion from a historical perspective, and at the same time expounds the inheritance of Liang’s thoughts on journalism work in contemporary China.