宇宙大爆炸论从诞生至今质疑不断、争论不休。该文首先介绍频率随传播距离缓慢衰减的陈寿元效应,然后对宇宙大爆炸论核心依据进行解释,依据实践是检验一切理论的唯一标准,从物理学、天文学、哲学等学科角度对宇宙大爆炸论的谬误进行批判。宇宙大爆炸:整个宇宙起源——点的大爆炸结论,与地心说(地球不动,处于宇宙中心)的宇宙绕地球转动的结论相比,没有最荒唐,只有更荒唐、更荒谬。宇宙大爆炸的闹剧该收场了。仅是由哈勃测量到遥远星系发来的光,有向红端移动观测的结果,假定红移是由多普勒效应产生,推理出宇宙起源可能是来自一次大爆炸。陈寿元于2016年发现机械波、电磁波在传播过程中,频率有非常微弱的衰减,并简称为陈寿元效应。用陈寿元效应讨论哈勃测量的红移,认定为光波在太空超长距离传播,光波能量密度衰减,导致光波振幅极大衰减,因为光波频率也是光波能量因子。光波能量密度的衰减也会导致频率非常缓慢地衰减。作者由哈勃系数换算后,得到光波在一米太空传播,频率衰减的相对变化量仅有10−26,目前国际原子钟的精度达到10−15。因此如何提高测量精度成为关键,现从机械波如水波、声波的频率衰减的实验做起。超远距离的传感器成为关键问题,声波采用内置2级放大器集成电路高敏感的传感器,在百米处,一千赫兹声波频率衰减0.1赫兹。电磁波采用2万;米75-5同轴电缆,波源采用20兆赫兹高频信号,输入端、输出端的频率相位角微弱差值进行长时间积分,测量到电磁波极其微弱的衰减,电磁波经过2万米传播后,频率仅有10−6赫兹的衰减。其红移量约为10−18/米。用陈寿元效应,红移是由光波在超远距离传播过程中,波能量衰减导致频率随传播距离的增加而指数规律衰减,可近似线性比例关系,与哈勃定律一致,并且这里的比例系数有明确的物理意义,波频率随传播距离的衰减系数,而哈勃定律,系数仅叫哈勃系数,没有任何物理含义。宇宙红移是由多普勒效应所致的概率几乎为零,这是更广意义的一切波在传播过程中的公共属性。把宇宙红移归结为陈寿元效应所致,更科学、更符合现代电磁波传输理论、现代通信模型。其概率应该是百分之百。多普勒效应导致大爆炸论与其他科学的矛盾,新解释宇宙不用爆炸,所有矛盾迎刃而解。超新星发现:亮度衰减更大,红移更大,推理出宇宙加速膨胀。超新星爆发的信号作用时间很短,可以看作脉冲,我们收到的光信号,已经是脉冲信号对传输信道的脉冲冲击作用后的冲击响应。信道作用使得收到的信号脉冲展宽,这种脉冲展宽必然导致亮度衰减更大,红移更大的结果,宇宙加速膨胀论据(尽管获得2011年诺贝尔物理奖)不充分,不值得可信。文中从各个科学角度对宇宙大爆炸论提出批判,宇宙大爆炸论应是一个很好的假说,世界文明对宇宙起源已严重误导,产生不良影响。本文结论:用陈寿元效应论证哈波红移是光波传播效应,并非星系后退多普勒效应所致。宇宙大爆炸仅是一个基于多普勒效应的推理假说,并非真实。宇宙大爆炸推理假说形成一场影响全人类的闹剧,该谢幕了。 The theory of the Big Bang has been questioning and debating ever since its birth. This paper first introduces Shouyuan Chen’s effect that frequency decreases slowly with propagation distance, then explains the core basis of the Big Bang theory. Practice is the only criterion to test all theories, and criticizes the fallacies of the Big Bang theory from the perspectives of physics, astronomy, philosophy and other disciplines. The Big Bang of the Universe: The Big Bang conclusion of the origin of the whole universe is not the most absurd, only more absurd, than the conclusion of the earth's core that the universe revolves around the earth. The comedy of the Big Bang should come to an end. Only light from distant galaxies measured by Hubble moves toward the red end. As-suming that the red shift is caused by the Doppler effect, it is inferred that the origin of the universe may have come from a big explosion. Shouyuan Chen discovered in 2016 that the frequency of mechanical wave and electromagnetic wave has a very weak attenuation in the process of propagation, which is referred to as the Shouyuan Chen effect. The red shift measured by Hubble is discussed by Shouyuan Chen effect. It is considered that the energy density of light wave decreases due to the ultra-long distance propagation of light wave in space, which leads to the great attenua-tion of light wave amplitude, because the frequency of light wave is also the energy factor of light wave. The attenuation of the energy density of the light wave can also lead to a very slow attenua-tion of the frequency. With Hubble coefficient, light wave propagates in one meter space. The rela-tive variation of frequency attenuation is only 10−26. At present, the accuracy of the international atomic clock is 10−15. Therefore, how to improve the accuracy of measurement becomes the key, starting from the experiment of frequency attenuation of mechanical waves such as water waves and acoustic waves. Ultra-long-distance sensor becomes a key issue. Acoustic wave uses a highly sensitive sensor with built-in two-stage amplifier integrated circuit. At 100 meters, the frequency of 1,000 Hz acoustic wave attenuates by 0.1 Hz. Electromagnetic wave uses 20,000 m, 75-5 coaxial cable, wave source uses 20 MHz high frequency signal, input and output frequency phase angle weak difference for a long time integration, measured the...