It is analyzed the results of the communication practices of youth’s civic self-identification in the context of the development of competent civic behavior. It is explicated the meanings of youth’s communication practices which hinder and often prevent civic competence development; it is also determined the circumstances which are favorable for the transformation of those meanings into desirable (possible, ideal) ones. It is proved that civic competence formation is hindered by a) value meanings of civic participation which are not reflected (what do I, the community, and the state need it for?); b) youth’s ideas on the current developments and the actuality of the meanings of individualization as the opposed to identification; c) non-articulated goals of youth’s civic participation (what exactly can I change in my own life and in the performance of the state?), which hinders the construction of the prognostic models of civic participation and its results, so the students don’t see opportunities for self-realization in their own state; d) restricted character of meanings which represent instrumental aspects of civic self-identification; e) externality of youth which articulates the desire to change and control their lives, and, at the same time, to shift the responsibility onto authorities without experiencing any cognitive dissonance; f) youth’s practicing of stability and justice myths, particularly in their electoral choice; g) schematic and discrete character of the meanings for responsibility, participatory interaction, and well-being, which are articulated as metaphor-pattern without analysis of the determinants, means, forms and consequences. It is determined the communication resources which can be involved in the construction of the meanings of civic participation which provide the competent civic behavior. It is modelled the communicative situations which stimulate the transforming of metaphorical components of youth’s civic self-identification communication practices.