Modeling the Thermodynamic Properties of Common Minerals at High Temperature, Pressure and Salinity with Complex Ions

The ultra-high temperature (150–250°C), pressure (1,000–2,000 bar, 15,000 to 30,000 psi) and TDS (>300,000 mg/L) in deepwater oil and gas production pose significant challenges to scaling control due to limited knowledge of mineral solubility, kinetics and inhibitor efficiency at these extreme conditions. Prediction of thermodynamic properties of common minerals is currently limited by lack of experimental data and inadequate understanding of modeling parameters. In this study, a new apparatus was built to test scale formation and inhibition at high temperatures and pressures. Solubilities of two common minerals, barite and calcite, were tested at temperature up to 250°C, pressure up to 1,500 bar (22,000 psi) and ionic strength up to 6m in solutions with elevated concentrations of mixed electrolytes (e.g., calcium, magnesium, sulfate and carbonate) representing the maximum range of interferences expected (95%CI) in oil and gas wells. As an attempt towards experimentally determining mineral solubility at high temperature, pressure and salinity, not only does this study contribute to the extremely limited data base, but it also provides a reliable approach for evaluating and adjusting model predictions at extreme conditions. Predictions by a thermodynamic model based on Pitzer's ion interaction theory were evaluated using experimental data. The dependence of Pitzer's coefficients for ion activity coefficients on temperature and pressure was examined and incorporated into the scale prediction model, whose prediction is consistent with both experimental and literature data at all conditions tested.

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